Why Put A Crayon In Your Wallet While Traveling

The topic is interesting, and you might also be wondering about it. So why does someone put a crayon in the wallet in this modern world? Putting crayons in the wallet is an old wallet trick that some people consider a traveling hack.

Generally, a crayon in the wallet is a life hack useful to the parent and child while traveling. Most importantly, it can help save someone’s life. There are reasons why this old wallet trick is worth the hype.

The article lists the reasons behind it by answering the question.

Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When You Travel

The actual reason behind crayons appeared when traveling with kids. It can be so hard to accommodate children while traveling. However, the crayon in the wallet trick works for kids.

Kids become happy whenever you offer them their lovable crayons and a sheet of paper. It makes them easier to manage.

Additional Information

People give children crayons all the time to play with. Parents offer a crayon plus a piece of paper for the child to write or draw. Unlike pencils, crayons do not break, making them ideal for kids.

Plus, unlike pens, they don’t dry or need any manipulation for the ink to flow. A crayon can make a mark, even if it’s just a nub.

Other Uses Of Crayons In The Wallet When Travelling

Protects Your Cards

The crayon can help to keep your business and credit cards from taking your wallet’s shape. Even though crayons are from wax, they’re usually quite rigid. Plus, its length is almost similar to that of a credit card.

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This hack is for you if you have issues with a wrapped plastic card not sliding into the card reader.

Slip a crayon wrapped in paper into the wallet’s card slot. It will ensure your cards are stiff and straight.

Cant Damage Other Things In The World

The crayon is a much better option than pens and pencils in some cases. With crayons, there aren’t limitations such as ink leakage and exploding. Pencils have weak tips that break more easily, making them less convenient.

Therefore, you’ll always have to carry a sharpening tool, which creates much trouble during travel.

Generally, some people place a crayon in their wallet when traveling because it allows them to write on whatever condition.

It’s a Survival Gear

For some wild travelers, it can help you leave a trace mark while on solo camping or hiking. Plus, people travel for different reasons. For some, it’s to get out of the annoying rush world.

In the process, one will surely need a digital detox. That means not using mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. A crayon can become quite handy when you need any help in this situation.

Therefore, a crayon can be a handy tool for threatening conditions.

It Can Save a Life (Thieves and Traffickers)

If you are in distress, you can use crayons to leave a message. Amazingly crayons won’t draw much attention from people causing distress, such as traffickers, thieves, etc. You can draft a message and pass it to the nearest police or person.

Overall, the technique is somehow safe. However, crayons aren’t so effective since they don’t have an alert sound ideal for kids in trouble. Still, a crayon will allow them to write a note without drawing attention.

Writing a Check

The crayon can be helpful when you have an emergency and have lost your credit cards and money. Writing a check with crayons is acceptable and an old universal trick. The trick works because most people aren’t familiar with checks.

Plus, they are so unlikely to know how to read one. If a person steals your wallet with your cards and checkbook, they won’t have an idea of a conventional checking account. Therefore you can write a check for a huge amount that isn’t in your account and authorize it.

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It’ll undoubtedly bring some attention to the thief to the extent that they may call to inform someone about it. Later you can inform the police, who can help you trace your wallet.

Additional Information

Placing a crayon in the wallet sounds odd, but people do it. If you love traveling, the chances are high that you must go through security checkpoints. The security personnel will ask you to put your wallet on the table in those instances.

The crayon might come in so handy in this situation. It can do wonders by preventing the wallet from going through thorough checking.

For example, if security personnel find something colored in black, they assume it’s a crayon.

Therefore, letting you go without extra questioning about it. It can mostly happen in countries that use currency with similar coloring to a crayon.

How To Put Crayon In Your Wallet

You might be wondering what putting the crayon in your wallet involves. However, it’s a very simple trick.

You need to take a crayon and stick it into your purse or wallet. Ideally, you can cover it with a paper to write on.

You can get the crayon from your child’s coloring box or buy it. The crayons aren’t expensive, and you can easily buy them from a local.

Keeping Your Wallet Safe When Travelling

People love traveling because it’s quite exciting. However, traveling comes with certain risks, including losing your wallet. Losing a wallet can be stressful because it carries most of the essentials you need.

It’s surely one of the last things that somebody might wish to lose. Here are some ways to keep your wallet secure and safe.

Get a GPS Locator

There are different types and models of GPS locators. But generally, a GPS wallet locator is usually thin, like a credit card. Meaning you can place it in your wallet with other cards.

You then pair the locator with your mobile phone through Bluetooth. Each time you search for the locator, it’ll beep.

However, you can only find the locator within the range of 100-500 feet, but this depends on the device.

Another alternative is buying a wallet with a built-in GPS. A smart wallet connects to an app and helps you identify its last location.

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Condense Items In Your Wallet

First, note that carrying all your essentials in your wallet isn’t necessary. You can keep your credit cards, physical passport, and some extra cash somewhere else that’s safe. The best alternative is to have a lockbox that’ll secure your luggage.

When walking around town, have enough cash to pay for food and other shopping. Also, remember to keep information about your accommodation location and passport in your wallet. It helps someone trace and return it to you if you lose it.

Plus, they can easily return it to your consulate/embassy.

Go Cashless and Cardless

There are many ways to use currency, and it must not only be through cash and cards. Today several cashless options will help you not lose your wallet. For example, there’s Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChat, and many more.

You can link an ideal mobile wallet payment method to your phone. Linking your mobile wallet involves identity verification etc. After successful linking, you can surely make item payments using your mobile phone.

However, you should note that small and undeveloped countries do not accept such payment methods. Therefore when you visit such countries, it might force you to use cash or a card.

Use Store Apps

Many stores have apps that help frequent customers get rewards, points, and credit. With such apps, you can directly pay for items without using money. The payment options do have QR codes which you’ll scan with the specific app to pay through it.

Overall the store apps substitute the need for wallets to carry money or cards that are common payment options. Some of the popular chains with store apps with international locations include:

  • Starbucks
  • Walmart
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • 7-Eleven

Use a Fanny Pack

A fanny pack can be your ideal solution if you often lose your wallet. It’s a more secure alternative and will safely hold everything you’d store in the wallet. Amazingly it keeps the items close to your body.

Similarly, you can use the over-the-neck passport holder. Besides your passport, it can also keep your other essential items secure.


Why put a crayon in your wallet when you travel? It’s one of the old tricks that people still practice today. People are more likely to develop creative ideas when carrying crayons in their wallets. The article has highlighted several uses of crayons.

Though some sound ridiculous but they surely work. So the next time you are on a trip, you can keep the crayon in your wallet for fun. You’ll surely find out how useful it can be to you and your child.

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