Why Was Cytopoint Discontinued

Pet owners who rely on Cytopoint to manage their pets’ skin allergies and itching have been blindsided by the recent announcement of Cytopoint’s discontinuation. This decision by the manufacturer has left many pet owners wondering about the future of their beloved furry companions’ health and well-being.

For those unfamiliar with Cytopoint, it is a medication used to treat atopic dermatitis, also known as skin allergies and itching in dogs. Veterinarians have widely used it to provide long-lasting relief to pets suffering from these conditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cytopoint, a medication for dog skin allergies and itching, has been discontinued by its manufacturer.
  • Pet owners are concerned about the health and well-being of their pets in the absence of Cytopoint.
  • Veterinarians commonly use Cytopoint to provide long-lasting relief to pets suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Understand the difference between Apoquel vs Cytopoint by following this link.

Understanding Cytopoint and its Uses

Cytopoint is a prescription requiring medicine prescribed by a licensed vet for managing and treating all skin conditions involving dog allergies. It is a body immune protein that actively targets the root cause of the allergic triggers and interrupts the itch cycle in the pet’s body. The medicine is mainly prescribed for treating atopic dermatitis and pruritus in canines. This powerful treatment could also help deal with chronic skin conditions in pets.

Unlike traditional oral medications or topical treatments, Cytopoint is administered via injection, typically given by a veterinarian, and has an excellent safety profile per expert vets’ recommendation.

Cytopoint Discontinuation Announcement

The leading innovator and manufacturer of Cytopoint, Zoetis, announced Cytopoint’s discontinuation in the United States. Cytopoint is a widely preferred medication in the field of canine allergy management. The manufacturers made it clear that the decision to discontinue was taken due to some business-related issues and an increase in the alternatives of this medication.

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Impact on Pet Health and Owners

Cytopoint’s discontinuation has raised concerns among pet owners who rely on the product to manage their pets’ health conditions. Without Cytopoint, pet owners may have to consider alternative treatments, and abrupt discontinuation of Cytopoint may lead to withdrawal symptoms and complications.

Some pet owners may also experience increased expenses due to the need for alternative treatments or medications. It is essential to consider the potential cost implications when seeking alternative treatments.

Importance of Seeking Professional Advice

Pet owners should consider consulting with a veterinarian before switching to any alternative treatments or making any changes to their pets’ medication. Veterinarians can provide personalized advice based on the pet’s health and medical history.

Discontinuation of Cytopoint does not necessarily mean that no other effective treatments are available for pets. Pet owners can discuss other options that can effectively manage their pets’ health condition with their veterinarian.

While finding a substitute for Cytopoint may be challenging, seeking professional advice can help ensure that pets receive the appropriate treatment to maintain their health and well-being.

Seeking Alternatives to Cytopoint

With Cytopoint being discontinued, pet owners may be wondering about the availability of alternative treatments. It is essential to consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice on the best course of action for your pet’s specific condition. Here are some potential alternative treatments to consider:

  • Allergy Shots: Also known as immunotherapy, allergy shots may be an effective treatment for pets suffering from allergies. It involves injecting minimal allergens into the pet’s body over time to build immunity.
  • Antihistamines: These medications mainly block the release of histamines that cause allergic reactions in pets. They are often used hand-to-hand with other treatments.
  • Steroids: Corticosteroids can relieve itching and inflammation in pets with skin allergies. However, they should be used with caution and with the proper supervision of a veterinarian due to potential side effects.
  • Apoquel: This prescription medication may be a suitable alternative to Cytopoint for managing allergic itch in pets. It activates by blocking the itch signal in the brain, but like any medication, it has potential side effects.
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It is important to note that switching from Cytopoint to an alternative treatment may require a transition period. Abruptly stopping Cytopoint may result in withdrawal symptoms and a resurgence of allergy symptoms. Pet owners should work with their veterinarian to gradually wean their pets off Cytopoint while introducing the new treatment.

Additionally, monitoring your pet’s response to any new treatment and reporting any adverse reactions to your veterinarian is crucial. With the help of a trustworthy veterinarian, pet owners can find a suitable replacement for Cytopoint that effectively manages their pet’s condition.

Availability and Stock Information

  • For pet owners who depend on “Cytopoint” for managing their pets’ allergies, understanding the current situation regarding its availability is crucial. According to the latest updates from Zoetis, “Cytopoint” remains on the market for now, utilizing the existing stock. However, given the announcement of its discontinuation, the supply is understandably dwindling, leading to potentially limited availability.
  • Zoetis has communicated their commitment to maintaining a consistent supply of “Cytopoint” to meet the needs of pets and their owners during this transition period. They recommend reaching out to your veterinarian for the most current information on securing “Cytopoint” and to discuss any expected wait times for the medication.
  • In light of the situation, pet owners are advised to remain proactive by staying updated on the status of “Cytopoint’s” availability and by considering alternative treatments with the guidance of their veterinarian. Ensuring the ongoing health and well-being of pets remains a priority, and veterinary consultation is essential for navigating these changes effectively.

Considering the Cost Factor

  • The discontinuation of Cytopoint has left many pet owners wondering about the potential cost implications. With the loss of a reliable medication, alternative treatments may come at a higher price point or require additional insurance coverage.
  • It is essential to consult a veterinarian to discuss the financial considerations of switching to a new medication or treatment. They can guide you in finding affordable alternatives and exploring financial assistance options if necessary.
  • In addition, it is important to budget accordingly and plan for the potential increase in expenses. This may include adjusting spending priorities or exploring options for supplementing income to meet your pet’s health needs.
  • Overall, the discontinuation of Cytopoint serves as a reminder of the importance of considering cost when making decisions about pet healthcare. While it can be challenging to navigate changes in treatment options, with the proper guidance and resources, pet owners can prioritize their pet’s well-being and manage costs effectively.
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Pet Owner Experiences and Testimonials

Pet owners who relied on Cytopoint for their furry companions’ health are now facing the challenge of finding an alternative. Some have shared their experiences and success stories in managing their pets’ conditions with a substitute.

  • One pet owner, Sarah, reported that her dog’s allergies were effectively managed with Cytopoint. However, since the discontinuation, she has switched to a different medication recommended by her veterinarian and has seen positive results.
  • Another pet owner, John, shared his concern about the potential side effects of abruptly stopping Cytopoint. He consulted with his veterinarian and was advised to gradually reduce the dosage of Cytopoint before switching to a substitute. He emphasized seeking professional advice before changing his pet’s medication.

Although many pet owners are disappointed by Cytopoint’s discontinuation, alternative treatments are available. It is essential to seek advice from a veterinarian and explore different options to ensure the continued well-being of our furry companions.


  • Seek Veterinary Guidance: With Cytopoint’s discontinuation, consulting a veterinarian becomes essential to explore alternative treatments for your pet’s allergies or conditions.
  • Understand the Change: Acknowledge that Cytopoint, despite its effectiveness, is no longer available, prompting the need for other therapeutic options.
  • Explore Alternatives: Investigate different medications or therapies that can offer similar benefits to Cytopoint for managing your pet’s health issues effectively.
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on updates regarding Cytopoint, including any news on its availability or potential return to the market.
  • Proactive Health Management: Begin the search for alternative solutions promptly to ensure a smooth transition and continuous care for your pet’s needs.
  • Consider Various Options: Look into a range of treatments, including Apoquel, immunotherapy, or dietary adjustments, depending on your pet’s specific condition and needs.
  • Personalized Pet Care: Remember, every pet is unique; what works for one may not work for another. Tailored advice from your vet is crucial in finding the best alternative to Cytopoint.

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