Why Was The Pretender Cancelled

For those of you who have never caught an episode of “The Pretender” here”s what you”ve missed: Jarod (Michael T. Weiss), a genius, was stolen from his parents when he was four, and taken to an objectionable and treacherous think tank called the Centre. Here he was formed into a Pretender, someone who has the ability to simulate any experience from plane crashes to the Kennedy shooting. When Jarod is older, he finds that the Centre has used his simulations for devious means and escapes into the real world.

Like a child trapped in a man”s body, Jarod experiences new and interesting things like Pez and silly putty, while trying to find his family. Along his journey Jarod uses his abilities to impersonate different professions allowing him to help people he comes into contact with. Meanwhile, the Centre has formed a team, led by Miss Parker (Andrea Parker) to find Jarod and bring him back. For four years, Jarod has eluded capture while exposing Centre secrets from the past.

The movie starts where the series left off. As the lies of the Centre come tumbling down, fans learn that Miss Parker and Jarod share a brother, Ethan (Tyler Christopher), who demonstrates a special “inner sense.” Trying to come to terms with the lies that she grew up with, Miss Parker tries to expose her own “inner sense,” while searching for her kidnapped father the only one with the answers to all her questions.

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All the while, Jarod infiltrates the National Security Agency and poses as an agent in order to solve the murder of a fellow Pretender by a terrorist called the Chameleon, who exhibits many Pretender-like qualities. In a game of cat and mouse, Jarod and Miss Parker must work together (an unusual task for both) in order to find the Chameleon.

“The Pretender 2001” presents a lot of back-story from the series, which is good for those who have never watched the show. Unfortunately, this will seem very worthless to avid fans. In fact, a whole new depiction of Jarod”s escape from the Centre is a main part of the movie.

However, “The Pretender 2001” will definitely answer old questions. But true to “Pretender” form, a slew of new questions emerge, many of which involve the paternity of certain characters.

Despite a few lagging scenes, “The Pretender 2001″ is able to keep a steady and active storyline for the new two-hour format. Plus, action sequences are even more elaborate than ever attempted during the series” run.

Michael T. Weiss and Andrea Parker both sizzle on the screen and take their characters to a new level as both experience new stages in their lives. Of course we can”t forget Broots! Jon Gries provides most of the comedy during the movie bringing his loveable, computer geek to the forefront. Who could resist him?

The new two-hour film is truly a gift for fans of “The Pretender,” reminding them just how great the show was. Besides, any show that can keep up with four years of mythology more complex and confusing than “The X-files” deserves a look.

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If your interest is peaked, check out “The Pretender” marathon, airing today until the premiere of the movie tonight at 8 p.m.

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