Why Were Chainsaws Invented Joke

TikTok is making all kinds of interesting discoveries of late.

First, it was the revelation that fluid secreted from beavers’ behinds can be used to make artificial vanilla flavouring (don’t worry, there probably isn’t any in your vanilla latte).

And now people are obsessing over the origins of the chainsaw, after TikTok user hellomynamesjon shared a video saying it was first invented to help with childbirth, which sounds more than a little terrifying.

But is it actually true? Here’s what you need to know…

Were chainsaws invented for childbirth?

Yes, the first chainsaw really was invented to be used in childbirth – though thankfully it was a far cry from the electric-powered monsters people cut down trees with today.

The prototype was developed by two Scottish doctors – John Aitken and James Jeffray – in the late 18th century, for the process of symphysiotomy.

The osteotome, an early chainsaw used in medical procedures (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Symphysiotomy is a surgical procedure in which the cartilage of the pubic symphysis is divided to widen the pelvis, for when the baby is trapped and there is no possibility of performing a caesarian section.

It had previously been done by knife, which took a very long time and was very painful.

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This early chainsaw was operated manually by turning a handle, which moved the teethed links of chain around a guiding blade. It made the process far easier.

Symphysiotomies are no longer performed in modern surgery, with the process of childbirth now far safer and more advanced than it used to be.

Evolution of the chainsaw

A German orthopaedist called Bernhard Heine designed another version of the chainsaw in 1830, also to be used in surgery.

He called it an osteotome, from the Greek osteo (bone) and tomi (cut) – literally the bonecutter.

At the start of the 20th century, people began to realise chainsaws could be useful outside of medicine.

The first patent for an electric chainsaw, the “endless chain saw” as it was called, was granted to a man named Samuel J Bens from San Francisco in 1905. His plan was to use to to fell giant redwoods.

In 1926, the first electric chainsaw that was actually produced and sold was patented by Andreas Stihl. Many of the early models were so large they had to be operated by two men.

Chainsaws improved dramatically after the Second World War, thanks to improvements in aluminium and engine design that made them lighter.

Modern chainsaws come in many sizes, from small electric saws intended for home and garden use, to large “lumberjack” saws.

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