Why Won’t My Puppy Pee Outside

The potty training process for dogs and puppies can look different with each individual case, although the same general principles will typically help you see quick housetraining success.

However, there is a certain type of case that requires a bit of extra training – the dog that absolutely refuses to eliminate outdoors. This dog will typically wait around for a while outside, and then will potty as soon as they get back indoors.

We refer to this as reverse housetraining, and it can be a nightmare for pet owners! As frustrating as this behavior can be, keep in mind that dogs showing this behavior generally don’t understand that the indoors is off-limits for potty breaks.

Dogs that show reverse housetraining behaviors often:

  • Lived entirely outside and potentially had negative experiences outdoors
  • Lived entirely indoors through puppyhood and are not comfortable outside
  • Came from a compromised background, such as a puppy mill or hoarding situation

These examples certainly aren’t always the case, but do run a higher likelihood of housetraining issues.

So, how do you housetrain a dog that won’t eliminate outdoors? The solution is easier than you might think – it just requires some real patience, consistency, and commitment on your part.

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Step 1: Create a small outdoor confinement area.


Your first step, and the most critical one, is to create a small, outdoor confinement area (like the one pictured above).

Ensure your dog is always be supervised when in this area.

Start your training first thing in the morning, when you know your dog needs to go. Take your dog outside immediately, and place them into their new pen. Now stand back at least a few feet, ignore your dog, and set a timer for 10 minutes.

Your dog will likely eliminate in this confinement area within 10 minutes – yay! Praise your dog and reward with a food reward as soon as they are done.

If your dog doesn’t go within 10 minutes, go back inside, but your dog must be tethered to you with a leash, confined indoors, or under your direct supervision.

If your dog then tries to eliminate once back indoors, you must interrupt them and put them back outside in the confinement area.

Repeat this until you have a successful elimination in the pen!

A few tips for dogs still struggling:

  • You can put potty pads in the outdoor pen to encourage elimination, if your dog is uncomfortable with grass.
  • As a last resort, you can even put down a strip of carpet or laminate in the area, temporarily!
  • Ensure you aren’t scaring your dog when they have accident indoors. Your goal is to interrupt them and quickly redirect them outdoors, not punish them for making a mistake.
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Step 2: Wean Your Dog off the Confinement Area

If using the confinement area is suitable to your lifestyle (for example, you don’t have a fenced yard, etc) you are welcome to keep using it.

But to wean your dog off of it, start by gradually removing any flooring or pads you placed inside the pen. You can start by making them smaller, and then take them away altogether.

Next leave the pen door open, and gradually remove it altogether.

Step 3: Complete the Process

In order for this process to work long-term, your dog cannot have indoor accidents that go unnoticed. Each accident that your dog has without a consequence will increase the time it takes for you to reach 100% success.

So, give your dog a confinement area outdoors where they are heavily rewarded for relieving themselves.

Gradually remove the pen and any pads or flooring you have inside of it.

Be vigilant about catching accidents indoors and redirecting your dog outdoors.

If you follow these steps closely, most people see success within just a few weeks (if not sooner)!

Need extra help with potty training or other training issues? We are available for in-person and virtual sessions and you can access us from anywhere in the world. Feel free to contact us to learn more about ways we can help, or schedule a virtual session with one of our experts.

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