Why Won’t They Talk To Me Lyrics

Raw, confessional and candid demonstration of the train of thought and the roller-coaster emotions that accompany rejection and a wounded sense of self… How to make sense of it all and deal with that nagging feeling of knowing you are not wanted anymore, or at all?

Kevin Parker smoothly leads us through the lonely inner process of trying to make sense of the world and the self once again with a bruised ego and shattered hopes that unsettle one’s coherent look on life…

Through its extended, musically and lyrically progressive opening, the song carries us along from the initial confessional “I’m so alone” to the dismissive “I don’t need them, and they don’t need me”, towards more practical “I guess I’ll go home, try to be sane; try to pretend none of it happened”, to self-pitying “Lonely old me” in one breath. It escalates up to cathartic outbursts of hurt feelings and a demand for answers in the heartfelt and repeated “Why won’t they talk to me?”

This catharsis runs its course, calms down and leads to the climatic “But I don’t really care about it anyway…” The truth is that he does care, and no matter how much he tries to be dismissive of the significance of what he has been denied, we know it is untrue – so does he… Hence, the seamless transition to the raw cries of: “Why won’t they talk to me?”, encore…

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The song is an honest, unpretentious exercise on the oscillation of feelings associated with being cast out and left alone with an aching ego… Hurting, disappointment and pain lie underneath the surface, pronounced especially with the repeated yet subtly confessional “I thought I was happy…”

Even though the superego takes over to ‘win’ it for him in spite of everything, with the best-revenge-is-living-well idealization that is “One day I’ll be a star and they’ll be sorry”, the overwhelming emotions that accompany rejection and the nagging question of “why” end up taking the center stage ’till the end.

He runs, but cannot hide from a hurting, bruised ego, and his threatened sense of self and the world, so he cries out…

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