Why Would I Need A Fibroscan

Summary: If you have signs of a liver issue, FibroScan testing may be recommended to assess the degree of fibrosis and fatty change in the liver.

FibroScan is a noninvasive test done by physicians to examine the wellness of the liver as well as diagnose illnesses that could affect the function of the liver. Performed using ultrasound scans, this advanced medical procedure, also known as transient elastography, evaluates the amount of fat tissue within a person’s liver (fatty liver disease). This liver test also enables gastroenterologists in Hinsdale, IL to assess the amount of stiffness in the tissue in the liver. A high degree of stiffness can point to the existence of fibrosis, hepatitis, or further issues. When hepatic steatosis or fibrosis is suspected, the highly trained physicians at Hinsdale Gastroenterology Associates may carry out a FibroScan analysis to discern and gauge the scope of the disease.

Why would I need FibroScan testing?

Gastrointestinal (GI) doctors typically treat diseases involving the liver and can order a FibroScan analysis for individuals with signals of mild to advanced liver dysfunction. A GI physician might recommend FibroScan evaluations for individuals who show one or more signs of a liver condition or damage, including:

  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Alcohol-related liver disease
  • Different types of liver inflammation
  • Severe liver fibrosis (cirrhosis)
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
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How is FibroScan done?

FibroScan is carried out at Hinsdale Gastroenterology Associates in Hinsdale, IL and could be suggested as an alternative to a liver biopsy. It is usually done along with other types of imaging procedures or lab tests to comprehensively evaluate a liver condition. Throughout the test, patients lie down on a treatment table. The technician then places the FibroScan ultrasound handpiece on the right upper abdominal area, just below the ribcage. A set of waves are applied straight into the liver, gauging the speed at which ultrasound waves move through the liver.

FibroScan tests are relatively pain-free and typically take approximately 10 minutes or so to accomplish.

How to interpret FibroScan outcomes

Whenever FibroScan assessments are finished, the outcomes are given to the physician who ordered the assessment. The test offers a numerical output that shows the measurement of fat buildup in the liver, which is called a controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) result as well as a fibrosis result.

  • The FibroScan controlled attenuation parameter result is calculated in decibels per meter and is used to determine the extent of steatosis in a person’s liver. An elevated CAP result demonstrates a more advanced degree of steatosis and a more serious stage of fatty liver disease.
  • The fibrosis result gives information on the presence of fibrotic scar tissue (fibrosis) within the liver, ranging from no scarring to mild or advanced liver fibrosis (cirrhosis).

A follow-up appointment with your GI doctor will be booked to analyze and discuss the exam outcomes. Advice for therapies or ways to alter your lifestyle may then be given based on the specific situation of each patient. Secondary FibroScan procedures can be conducted on a regular basis to check the well-being of the liver or to determine whether the liver illness has advanced.

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Get more information on FibroScan in Hinsdale, IL

As the second largest organ in the body, the liver fulfills a critical role in total health. Fatty liver disease along with fibrosis could impact multiple aspects of an individual’s systemic wellness, causing generating tiredness, abdominal bloating, and a higher chance of liver cancer and liver failure. The GI staff at Hinsdale Gastroenterology Associates offers noninvasive FibroScan testing to determine the presence of a fatty liver or fibrosis. For more information on this diagnostic test or to schedule a visit with a skilled GI specialist, please contact our Hinsdale, IL gastroenterology practice today.

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