HomeWHYWhy Would Someone Ask For A Code On Facebook Marketplace

Why Would Someone Ask For A Code On Facebook Marketplace

A Google verification code scam has made its way to Facebook Marketplace, and sellers should be cautious.

On Facebook Marketplace, a buyer may act like they are afraid to be a victim of a scam, when in reality they want you to be a victim of theirs.

“That means they are going to tell you they want to make sure that you are a valid seller and so they are going to send what they call a Google phone verification code to your phone and then ask you to get the six digits,” Michele Mason said.

This is how the Google verification code scam works: a potential buyer will make an offer on an item that is for sale on Facebook Marketplace. After a short conversation, the potential buyer will ask the seller for their phone number and ask if they can send them a code to verify that they are a real person.

Michele Mason with the Better Business Bureau said that is an immediate red flag.

“If they do this, then what they are really doing is trying to get the Google voice number that you can retrieve from Google, get the code and then have access to that. What that means is at a minimum they could use your number that is associated with your account to pull other scams. They may be trying to take advantage of other people but the number is going to tie back to you,” Mason said.

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Scammers can also use that number to get more information about you.

Mason says other red flags are if the potential buyers account location is from out of the country or just too far in general from where a seller is selling an item.

“Look for if they have had an established account for a while, if they have friends that look valid, but first and foremost, don’t get your information out to someone when you have something up for sale,” she says.

If you do fall victim, Mason says you still have a chance to save yourself.

“You can go to the Google site and they have instruction on how you can claim your number. So, I encourage people to make sure you do that as soon as you figure out you have fallen for a scam. You do potentially have the recourse to do that and if you can’t, we recommend you contact Google and get their help with disassociating that number with your account all together,” Mason said.

Click here for instruction on how to reclaim your voice number.


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