Why Would You Put A Crayon In Your Wallet

You may have heard about the crayon in wallet trick on the internet and may have thought it was just another travelling hack! Though, you’d be mistaken, as the crayon in wallet life hack can help parents and children while travelling but most importantly could also potentially save someone’s life.

There are endless reasons why this life hack is worth the hype. In this article we’ll be talking you through the crayon and wallet life hack and how it helps.

Crayon in Wallet Life Hack

So, what is the crayon in wallet life hack?

It’s simple. Place a crayon inside a small piece of paper and keep it in your wallet or handbag whenever you’re out and about. It’s best to wrap the paper around the crayon so the crayon doesn’t leave wax marks inside your wallet.

Why a crayon? Crayons will always be able to write, unlike a pen or pencil which can either run out or need sharpening to use.

Crayon in Wallet Benefits

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Here’s a list of some of the key benefits of keeping a crayon in your wallet:

  • A crayon in your wallet will ensure that you have something to write, doodle and draw with at all times.
  • A crayon can provide entertainment to children why travelling.
  • A crayon can provide a distraction to a young child.
  • A tool to write with on long train journeys.
  • To create ‘trace marks’ to show you have been at a location, especially during life threatening situations.
  • To save a life.

Why Should you Carry a Crayon in Your Wallet

Most of us would think that a crayon is an odd thing to put in your wallet. Though a crayon can save someone’s life. The main reason why it is useful to put a crayon in your wallet is it can be a tool to prevent child endangerment.

When travelling or out in public, if you notice a child is acting disturbed and seems to be in a difficult situation, a crayon can be a discreet way of helping. A crayon is small enough to hand to a child subtly, allowing them to write a note and seek help. As crayons are brightly colored, when passing the crayon you will most likely catch the child’s attention quickly. This life hack could potentially save the child’s life, if they’re in a life threatening situation.

Sarah Elrod-Ausbrook used the crayon in wallet trick when experiencing this scenario when she believed she had come across missing teen Tylee Ryan. Sarah attended a concert in Nashville, Tenn which is where she believed she had seen Tylee. Due to the way the young girl was behaving and the older man that accompanied her, Sarah had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right.

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The older man’s behaviour was also strange. The old man didn’t want to have his photo taken by the photographer at the dinner before the concert and he corrected the young girl when someone asked her where she was from. Sarah quotes that the older man told the girl that she knew better than that. The older man then proceeded to tell everyone that they were both from Knoxville, Tennessee. After the dinner, Sarah went to say goodbye to the girl with a hug and slipped a crayon and paper into the girl’s jacket pocket. As she passed over the crayon and paper, Sarah whispered into the girls ear that if she was in trouble she should leave a note. Sarah’s experience may not have been with Tylee, as Tylee was found dead, along with her younger brother at their stepfather’s property.

This does mean that this life hack is not effective when attempting to help someone in danger.

Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When You Travel

If you’re a parent or have travelled with kids before, you know that it won’t always be enjoyable. Especially if you have a long journey ahead of you. A simple crayon can help distract your child and hopefully help your journey proceed in a peaceful way.

Another reason why a crayon is great to carry with you is that it can ease anxiety or stress by allowing you to concentrate on another activity while travelling. Drawing can have many benefits for your health, especially stress.

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Another benefit of the crayon hack is that it can help keep the contents of your wallet straight. By placing a crayon in your wallet the crayon can help keep credit cards and ID cards straight.

We recommend these

Crayola Crayons in the wallet life hack

which are colorful to attract attention and small enough to fit perfectly into your wallet.

The Crayon in Your Wallet Could Save a Life

While it may seem like an insignificant hack, the crayon in wallet life hack can help safe a life as it’s a discreet way of reaching out to someone who may need help. A crayon can also help children and adults when travelling and allows us to look away from our screens and gives us the opportunity to draw. Have you tried the crayon in wallet hack? Have you ever helped anyone with the crayon in wallet hack?

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