HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Best States

Which Of The Following Best States

Read the following passage and choose the correct answers A, B, C or D to each question.

During the heyday of the railroads, when America’s rail system provided the bulk of the country’s passenger and freight transportation, various types of railroad cars were in service to accomplish the various tasks handled by the railroads. One type of car that was not available for public use prior to the Civil War, however was a sleeping car, ideas for sleeping cars abounded at the time, but these ideas were unworkable. It unfortunately took the death of a president to make the sleeping car a viable reality.

Cabinet-maker George M. Pullman had recognized the demand for sleeping cars and had worked on developing experimental models of sleeping cars in the decade leading up to the Civil War. However, in spite of the fact that he had made successful test runs on the Chicago and Alton Railroads with his models, he was unable to sell his idea because his models were too wide and too high for existing train stations and bridges. In 1863, after spending time working as a storekeeper in a Colorado mining town, he invested his saving of twenty thousand dollars, a huge fortune at that time and on the money that he had in the world. In a luxurious sleeping car that he named the Pioneer. Pullman and friend Ben Field built the Pioneer on the site of the present-day Chicago Union Station. For two years, however, the Pioneer sat on a railroad siding, useless because it could not fit through train stations and over bridges.

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Following President Lincoln’s assassination in 1865, the state ofIllinois,Lincoln’s birthplace, wanted to transport the presidential casket in the finest fashion possible. The Pullman Pioneer was the most elegant car around; in order to make the Pullman part of the presidential funeral train in its run fromSpringfieldtoChicago, the state cut down station platforms and raised bridges in order to accommodate the luxurious railway car. The Pullman car greatly impressed the funeral party, which includedLincoln’s successor as president, General Ulysses S. Grant, and Grant later requested the Pioneer for a trip fromDetroittoChicago. To satisfy Grant’s request for the Pioneer, the Michigan Central Railroad made improvements on its line to accommodate the wide car, and soon other railroads followed. George Pullman founded the Pullman Palace Car Company in partnership with financier Andrew Carnegie and eventually became a millionaire.

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